Wednesday 28 May 2008

Debating topic groups

As of 28 May the following debating topics and dates have been finalised:

This HOUSE believes that euthanasia is an acceptable solution to a person's mental and physical suffering.

FOR: The English Learners
AGAINST: The English Lines

This House believes that same- sexed marriage should not be legal.

AGAINST: For You A Thousand Times Over
FOR: Rear Windows

Tuesday 27 May 2008

World Book Club -Interview with Khaled Hosseini

Finally, the World Book Club is airing the interview.

Friday 16 May 2008

Debating topics - 9 and 11 June

These are choices from the link in the bar on the left under 'debates'.
Euthanasia has already been proposed. Add your proposals here in reply and vote in the poll - debating topics.

Assignment 3 - creative writing - point of view

Home assignment - due 21st May.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Assignment updates

We will continue to prepare for the following assignments in class.

  • Assignment 3 - descriptive writing - point of view (home). This will be due May 21st. Details to follow.
  • Assignment 4 - report on chapter of novel (class) - Monday 26th May. This is based on an excerpt from the Kite Runner, requiring your interpretation of its relevance and its meanings.
  • Debates - 9/11th June. See poll on choice of debating topics and also the suggested topics in the link I have given under DEBATES:
  • RESEARCH PROJECT - REPORT based on either on novel or forum contribution, incorporating contributions to blog discussion and research. Book report due 28th May.
  • Assignment 5 - argumentative article - June 16
  • ORALS 23/25 (see schedule)

Presentations: Well you did these on Afghanistan. Or would you like another opportunity?