Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Task ONE: e- mail
Write an email to your teacher (using appropriate style and register) expressing your experiences and views about language learning and teaching, and hopes for the course.

Give your e-mail a subject heading: e.g. Marian’s thoughts about learning
Send to
Before Monday 4th March

Use the points below as a guideline:

How would you characterize an ‘advanced’ language learner?
How close to being an ‘advanced’ language learner are you?
What aspects of using English do you have most difficulty with?
What strategies are you developing to improve your language learning?
What do you feel more confident about since the 1st semester?
What do you hope to gain from this course?

Anything else you want to add.

Monday, 25 February 2008


Research interpretations of mirrors across cultures and bring on Monday 4th.
Find poems or literature making reference to ‘mirror.’ Perhaps in the titles or within the body of text.

Bring and explain:

Reference made to ‘mirror’
Interpretation of ‘mirror’ in that piece of work
Symbolic meanings

Some hunting to get you going:

‘The Mark on the Wall’ by Virginia Wolf

Mirror, Mirror,_Mirror_(novel)

Friday, 22 February 2008

Course overview

Course assignments

Note change to Research Project.

Also take note of criteria for active participation and learning development strategies. Check the blog for tasks you need to prepare for each session, for example task ONE and research tasks. This preparation is part of the assessment tasks.There are already tasks for Monday 3rd March.