Monday 23 June 2008

Final Marks

These will be posted in Secretaria Virtual Tuesday 24th.

Ana Pinho -
Anabela Candeias 14
Andreia Figueiredo 16
Bruno Silva 15
Cátio Ildefonso 15
Dalila 11
Elisa Marino 13
Joana Carlos 14
Joana Vaz Teixeria 17
Madalina Piipo 15
Maria Joao Oliveira 15
Maria João Troia -
Martina Franco 13
Paula Frieza 15
Pedro Mota 11
Raquel Alecrim 15
Rogerio Fereira 15
Sandra Amaral 16
Tiago Nunes 12
Tiago Martins 10

If any work was not submitted, marks sadly suffer.

Exames de Recurso e Melhoria are on July 2nd, 14.00 - 16.00, room 03.

Saturday 21 June 2008

assignment 5 - marks


If you would like to see your papers, I will be in the faculty on Monday 10.00 - 12.00 room 03.

Final marks will be posted in the blog on Monday evening and in the Faculty on Tuesday 24th.

From the following of you, I have not had all assignments:If you think this is incorrect, e-mail me.

Tigao Nunes
Tiago Martins
Bruno Silva ( check the first 2 assignments, please).

Ana Pinho -
Anabela Candeias 13
Andreia Figueiredo 14.75
Bruno Silva 16
Cátio Ildefonso 14.75
Dalila 10
Elisa Marino 13.75
Joana Carlos 13.25
Joana Vaz Teixeria 18
Madalina Piipo 17
Maria Joao Oliveira 16
Maria João Troia -
MartinA Franco 13
Paula Frieza 14.75
Pedro Mota 14
Raquel Alecrim 14.25
Rogerio Fereira 16
Sandra Amaral 16
Tiago Nunes 11
Tiago Martins 8

Saturday 14 June 2008

removing ORALS

I would like to discuss removing the orals from your assessment this semester as you have accomplished a lot of tasks in the oral line.

We can talk about it on Monday - perhaps giving you the option.

Sunday 1 June 2008

Monday 2nd June

Please bring the following:
  • your point of view assignments, preferably corrected
  • coursebook reason to write
  • notes form last week on the debating topics
  • ensure you know from your blog group what position you will be taking in the debates ( 9 and 11)
  • WATCH A VIDEO IN the SUGGESTED LINKS/or choose a link - bring to class to show how it can help your group debate.

Reminder that the final class assignment is on Monday 16.

Orals on Wednesday 25 June.


Wednesday 28 May 2008

Debating topic groups

As of 28 May the following debating topics and dates have been finalised:

This HOUSE believes that euthanasia is an acceptable solution to a person's mental and physical suffering.

FOR: The English Learners
AGAINST: The English Lines

This House believes that same- sexed marriage should not be legal.

AGAINST: For You A Thousand Times Over
FOR: Rear Windows

Tuesday 27 May 2008

World Book Club -Interview with Khaled Hosseini

Finally, the World Book Club is airing the interview.